
Ohio Nu

The brothers of Phi Kappa Psi Ohio Nu are men who live by our motto of "The Great Joy of Serving Others" and demonstrate the core values of a Phi Psi, “Brotherhood, Service to the Community, Academic Excellence, Respect for the Dignity of Others, and Personal Integrity”. Ohio Nu was founded on February 9, 2008 and has quickly grown to be one of the largest and recognizable fraternities on campus.

Current Term GPA: 2.78

Current Term Size: 111

Community Service Hours: 513

Membership Requirements: 2.5 GPA

Recruitment Schedule: Contact Hunter Price with any questions about upcoming rush dates and times.

Recruitment Chair Info: Hunter Price: (724)-713-8986

Nominate Yourself Link:

Nominate Yourself!

As we have seen these values to be critical in the past, they will become even more important in the future!